Four Martinelli cabinet ministers facing corruption prosecutors

TWO FORMER Martinelli cabinet ministers faced anti-corruption prosecutors on Thursday, May 20 as part of the ongoing investigation into the National Assistance Program (PAN) scandals, and two are awaiting their turns

  Roberto Henriquez, Former Minister of the Presidency and Lucy Molinar , ex Minister of got their grillings in the Avesa building, on via Espana.
Henríquez faced the First Anticorruption Prosecutor Tania Sterling where he was questioned as part of the process followed by the purchase with alleged overpricing of bags of beans through the PAN.
Former ministers Guillermo Ferrufino (Social Development) and Jaime Ford (Public Works) are awaiting their turn.
Molinar, who is in “country prison” faced further questioning in the investigation of the purchasing of backpacks to distribute to students in public schools.