Jailed PAN scandal suspects seek house arrest

LAWYERS FOR the former Minister of Social Development, Guillermo Ferrufino and the former director of the National Assistance Program (PAN) Rafael Guardia Jaen have made submissions to have their clients moved from cells to house arrest.

In the case of Ferrufino, his lawyer Eduardo Sequeira asked Judge Leslie Loaiza, of the 15th Criminal Circuit, to change the measure.
According to current law, in the coming hours the court must inform the Second Prosecutor, Vielka Broce of the request. Once th eprosecution gives its opinion, the judge can make the decision reports La Prensa
Prosecutors have completed a second investigation of Ferrufino over the renting of helicopters by the Ministry of Social Development during the administration of Ricardo Martinelli. The rent allegedly involved cost overruns through PAN
Victor Orobio, lawyer for Guardia Jaen, said on Tuesday, May 19 that he had called house arrest for his client.
The request was made to the First Anticorruption Prosecutor Tania Sterling, and is based on the fact that his client has cooperated during the investigation.
Guardia Jaen is detained in El Renacer prison and Ferrufino at the headquarters of the National Police of Ancon.
Other former luminaries of the Martinelli administration under house arrest while being investigated for different reasonsare: former Deputy Minister of Economy Gladys Cedeño, the former mayor of Panama Bosco Vallarino and former director of PAN Giacomo Tamburrelli along with businessmen Roberto Carretero, Rubén de Icaza and Carlos Caneto Araúz.