MEDIA WATCH: Metro bidding, a bitter taste

Hoyporhoy, La Prensa, May 15

THE LINE 2 METRO has left a bitter taste. For the third consecutive government, the favorite construction of the Panamanian political class is part of the winning consortium of one of the mega projects in bidding. As if that were not enough, in the same consortium it is the company responsible for building the city hospital  Why did they  actively seek the participation of other institutions, American, German, Canadian, Japanese or Korean, for example? The result of the public act consolidates the Brazilian company as the main contractor of the Panamanian State, which makes coastal belts, housing Curundú housing,Bay cleanup, Panama-Colón highway and a string of other works. Even for public management strategy, a government must not rely on one company for many projects. For the image of the country, it is urgent to review our public procurement policy and avoid  shielding dominant companies that frighten others from tendering in Panama.  Be careful with the addendums in upcoming projects.