Rodents force closure of supermarket

A SAN MIGUELITO supermarket with rodent problems was ordered closed by Panama’s Ministry of Health (MoH) on Wednesday, May 6.
The temporary closure of the supermarket Xtra, located in the area of Ojo de Agua,e closure took effect from noon- for breach of health standards, ,The regional health director of San Miguelito, Juan Biebarach told La Prensa: “The supermarket will be closed until adjustments are made to address health deficiencies, inncluding pest control, because the presence of rodents was discovered”.
Once the MoH is notified of the launch of these adjustments, a new site inspection will be performed.
The reopening of the store will depend on the results of the assessment he said.
“It’s important to have consumer surveillance and to bring complaints forward , because in this way the MoH can perform follow uo inspections,” he said..