OFF THE CUFF: 183,750 traffic tickets in 4 months

WHILE the death toll from highway accidents continues to rise Panama drivers continue to fill the purse of the Transit Authority (ATTT) with their payments for tickets issued for traffic violations.
In the first four months of 2015, the authority ATTT passed out 183,750 tickets. There is no record of how many motorists avoided tickets with a donation to the traffic cops’ holiday fund and no listing of how many taxis and Metro buses passed through red lights.
Parking violations were the most common, with 21,377 tickets issued, followed by speeding (19,714) and failing to heed stop signs (19,649.)
Other common violations were failure to produce a license, talking on cell phones while driving, failing to use seat belts and driving while drinking.
ATTT Director Julio González Pereira said that the sanctions are not intended to obtain resources, but to improve safety.
“We do not want an increase in traffic accidents or violations,” he said.