Investigation of former Martinelli henchman

FORMER RICARDOO MARTINELLI henchman Demetrio “Jimmy” Papadimitriu is under investigation for  alleged offenses of unjust enrichment, forgery and embezzlement wand  $300 million  allegedly sitting in an Andorra tax haven.

On Wednesday, April 29, the First Anti-Corruption Prosecutor, Tania Sterling ordered visits to three offices in Panama including a private Andorran bank to verify whether there are accounts related to the former Minister of the Presidency.
She also asked the Comptroller General of the Republic for a report on the sworn statements of assets of Papdimitriu, presented when he joined the Martinelli government [July 2009] and on his departure [July 2012].
The prosecutor also asked the Public Registry to reveal if Papdimitriu has properties.
The investigation against the one time close confidant of Martinelli, began March 10, after Sidney Sitton, Martinelli’s lawyer, filed a complaint against him.
Sitton said that his action seeks to investigate Papdimitriu accounts in Andorra, a “tax haven” for $ 300 million.
He argued that it was necessary that, once accounts, investments, and securities of the former official, are identified, he be confronted with his affidavit of assets, so that the Comptroller can determine whether or not there is unjustified enrichment.
Hours later, Papdimitriu went to the public prosecutor and the media, denied the charge and took the opportunity to say that Martinelli “knew exactly what was going on in the PAN.”
Asked about the actions carried out by the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor, Papadimitriou’s lawyer Gonzalo Moncada, said that so far no authority has charged his client reports La Prensa
“There is a summary under investigation following a totally absurd complaint blown up by the enemies of Papdimitriu” he said.
He argued that the former minister has “nothing to hide” and said that the case will clear any doubts regarding the performance of Papadimitriu in the past government.