Financial Pacific central figure on the run, judge investigated

THE JUDGE who let the former Director of Supervision of the Superintendency of Securities (SMV), Ignacio ‘Nacho’ Fabrega, off the hook by releasing him from detention is under investigation and will hear is fate in the coming days,

Fabrega has been a fugitive for a month and is under the eye or investigators into the disappearance of Vernón Ramos, the auditor who uncovered the scandal at the Financial Pacific (FP) brokerage and vanished on March 16 2012. One unnamed witness has linked him to the disappearance, and family members believe he has been killed
On March 27, the Second Court overturned the injunction of country jail issued by Judge Rolando Quesada Vallespi.
Fabrega is charged with alleged public corruption after disclosing confidential information to managers of the brokerage Financial Pacific.
To date, the whereabouts of Fábrega are unknown, although the First Criminal Court summoned him to a preliminary hearing.
The third anti-corruption prosecutor, Zuleyka Moore says That Fábrega-committed various Irregularities at the SMV.
The Fourteenth Circuit Prosecutor’s Office is investigating him for alleged money laundering, bankruptcy and organized crime.

Meanwhile Luis Ramon Fabrega, judge of the Supreme Court. Ays that in the coming days the outcome of the legal audit of the office of Judge Quezada Vallespi will be known then, says Fabrega the court will

“Analyze the report and make their determinations”
On August 17, 2006, the Supreme Court dismissed suspended Quezada Vallespi as a Second Court judge for 30 days reports El Siglo.