OFF THE CUFF: Nepotism. a many headed snake

NEPOTISM, another form of corruption, has pushed the ongoing investigations into the National Assistance Program (PAN) to the media sidelines in the last few days and, as one snake’s head head is cut off, more appear.

The staggering pronouncement of the President of the Electoral Tribunal (TE) who has a bunch of family members working in his office, that he “apologized for taking care of his family” has the TV talking heads and radio wagging tongues at full stretch as they fire their arrows of condemnation in all directions.
 It has also provided the Martinelli controlled Panama America with ammunition for daily broadsides with headlines outgunning the tabloids in size, while political cartoonists are adding their own thunder to the cannonades .
In recent months, the National Authority of Transparency has opened at least 10 investigations into allegations of nepotism in government agencies. Of that total, four have been resolved and six are still being investigated, but stand by for more as people realize that complaints are atually being processed.
The Electoral Tribuna (TE), is the latest of the snakes to pop up from the murky sea surrounding those who appear not to have recognized that change is in the air, and not just in the name of a party controlled by one man.
The TE case has been referred to the Administrative Prosecutors Office, which in turn handed it over to the Supreme Court.
The complaint involved at least eight appointments linked to TE Judge Erasmo Pinilla
Another investigation has been opened into alleged nepotism at the Civil Aviation Authority which involves Antonio Valderrama, director of Aviation Safety. The agency is awaiting a report from the department’s human resources director.
Yet another investigation was opened into the Ministry of Economy and Finance. The probe is focused on Flor Escudero, deputy director of human resources. The agency is awaiting information from the ministry. Similarly, the agency is investigating the Ministry of Social Development, specifically Yanett Rodríguez Bravo, the regional director in La Chorrera, and Small Business Administration Director Ada Romero. Romero denied any wrongdoing last week.
Authorities sxhoole in Greek mythology  are hoiping the nepotism scandal  will not mirror the Hydra of Lerna. Chop off one head of the snake, and two more appear – and beyond are the gates of the Underworld.