Call for speed up in investigation of ex-minister

THE TEAM OF LAWYERS representing Guillermo Ferrufino, former Minister of Social Development, has claimed that the Second Anticorruption Prosecutor has exceeded the term for completing the investigation for alleged overruns in renting helicopters through National Assistance Program (PAN).
Eduardo Sequeira, who heads the team, has demanded the file be sent to the judiciary for assessment.
He said the investigation against his client was started last September and prosecutors should complete their research within four months. He said that the delay constitutes a violation of due process and that his client was being detained at the police headquarters in Ancon waiting a case definition.
He added that the prosecution also rejected a change to a less severe measure of precautionary arrest although Ferrufino at all times has been willing to appear. Sequeira said that the case is stalled and that the prosecution has had no proceedings related to his client in recent weeks.
Ferrufino has been detained since March 4 after being investigated for corruption by prosecutor Vielka Broce.
In one of his investigations, the former director of PAN Rafael Jaen Guardia said he paid for helicopter flight hours, but did not check if the flights were made.
The former minister also faces an investigation by the Comptroller General for alleged illicit enrichment. In this case Ferrufino submitted documents and other evidence on the purchase of homes and land in La Chorrera.