OFF THE CUFF: No Martinelli immunity,persecution – Parlacen

Doors seem to be closing on former Panama president Ricardo Martinelli, now facing criminal investigation. The latest to slam shut was the Central American Parliament (Parlacen) which announced that Martinelli had no immunity there and there was no evidence of political persecution.

 The message came from Rafael Espada Vice-president of the regional body on Thursday January 29.
“Martinelli has no immunity. If the Panamanian parliament does not give immunity, neither do we he said.
“We do not protect anyone,” said the Guatemalan, who emphasized that the Supreme Court of Panama can take all the steps it deems necessary against Martinelli without any notice to the Central American Parliament.
Martinelli traveled to Guatemala on Wednesday to participate in thePalacen’s first plenary session of the year. the Central American Parliament. On Thursday, he+ said he was a victim of political persecution by the government of Juan Carlos Varela and even feared for his life, reports La Prensa
“We have no evidence of political persecution,” said Espada yesterday after Martinelli’s appearance .
Meanwhile as citizens from all walks of life across the country marched and called for Martinelli’s imprisonment, newspapers controlled by the former authoritarian leader, continue to preach the persecution message.