Absent Martinelli gives power of attorney to wife,brother

RICARDO MARTINELLI, Panama’s former president, now facing criminal charges, has granted powers of attorney to his wife, Marta Linares, and his brother, Mario Enrique Martinelli, to oversee his business and personal matters which includes the 99 Supermarket chain.

 Lawyers consulted by La Prensa said that this move is only done in extreme cases, such as a serious illness or prolonged absence.
Martinelli, who went to Guatemala on Wednesday January 28 to participate in a meeting of the Central American Parliament (Parlacen), has not returned to Panama.
He has announced that he will visit the United States and Europe to publicize alleged abuses by the government of President Juan Carlos Varelareports La Prensa. His company took out full page advertisements in Panama newspapers on Thursday to defend Super 99 against reports of its officials involvement in some of the scandals that have erupted as anti-corruption prosecutors unravel an extended web of “irregularities” involving multiple government entities and hundreds of millions of dollars including the office of the nation’s comptroller.
Meanwhile the Martinelli controlled newspaper Panama America and its  stable mate Citica, carry daily stories claiming that the unveiling of the scandals is “political persecution”
The Supreme Court this week voted to open a criminal investigation into alleged corruption by the former president. His personal secretary, Adolfo “Chichi” De Obarrio, is also out of the country. He has also been summoned to face charges of corruption.
Martinelli granted his wife general power of administration, which authorizes her to act on his behalf on legal, commercial and civil matters.
She also has the authority to appear in court on his behalf and to make financial decisions regarding his property.
Martinelli granted his brother the power to represent in legal matters, specifically “judicial, administrative, criminal, maritime and civil cases.”
He authorized his brother to bring litigation on his behalf.