Price on the head of key player in PAN scandal

RAFAEL GUARDIA a former director of the National Assistance Program (PAN) and a key figure in the ongoing investigation has received death threats while in detention in La Gran Joya prison says his lawyer.

 Victor Orobio accompanied Guardia under heavy security involving three pick up truck to a further interrogation session on Thursday, January 22 . Orobio said Guardia “found a note in his food saying there was a price on his head.”. He said that he had already reported the incident to the authorities, who on Wednesday conducted an inspection. with the support of members of the National Police.
Giacomo Tamburelli, another PAN Director who is under house arrest also claims to have been threatened and has moved family members out of Panama.
One of the chief operators of the illegal surveillance program by Panama’s Security Committee has gone missing, after telling family members that he had received threats. In the Pacific Financial brokerage scandal, the auditor who uncovered “irregularities” disappeared another inspector was stabbed and senior member of the Broker Superintendency resigned after receiving threats.