Two spying suspects moved to La Gran Joya jail

Two spying suspects moved to Gran La Joya jail
A FORMER Panama Police chief and the father of RicardoMartinelli’s daughter in law were admitted to the Gran La Joya prison on Friday, January 16.
Alejandro Garuz and Gustavo Pérez, ex-secretary of the National Security Council and ex- police chief, are alleged key players in Panama’s wiretapping scandal. They were sent to preventive detention by Deputy Attorney General Marcelino Aguilar
The deputy AG is investigating Perez and Garuz for espionage against over 150 politicians, journalists, businessmen, judges, business leaders and opponents of the government of Ricardo Martinelli (2009-2014).

Both men are charged with the commission of crimes of violation of secrecy and privacy. Pérezis isalso facing trial for illegal possession of weapons of war including machine guns
The transfers carried outunder strict security measures, were confirmed by the Directorate General of Prisons.
In a statement, the Prison System reported that Perez “will have the same conditions and respect for human rights as the rest of the detainees who live there.” Earlier in the week his lawyer had attempted to get his detention order changed to house arrest, complaining of poor conditions in the DIJ holding cells.
La Gran Joya was opened by the previous administration’s April 1, 2014, at a cost of $170 million. Has 116 buildings and 24 halls with a capacity for 5,504 prisoners Currently it has105 inmates.
The lawyers of Garuz and Perez -Cristóbal Arboleda and Armando Fuentes, have filed writs of habeas corpus on behalf of their clients. The rapporteur of both actions is Judge Luis Ramon Fabrega. Files from TV reporte  La Prensa, La Estrella.