Government and bus drivers reach accord

PANAMA’S METRO bus system returned to normal early Friday morning, January 16 after a meeting between government representatives and union officials that started at 8 p.m. Thursday, and lasted until the early hours of the morning.

The meeting which followed a wildcat strike by drivers on Thursday which paralyzed traffic on the Transistmica, was held at the Presidency after President Juan Carlos Varela sais on television that he would not allow anarchy to rule in the transit system.. Representing the government were Minister of Labor Luis Ernesto Carles, and Minister of the Presidency Álvaro Alemán.
Metro bus operator Mi Bus was not involved in the discussions.
Union leader Antenor Guadamuz said that the main agreement reached was that the government will recognize the employment benefits of all workers, since it will soon be taking over operation of the system. The agreement will benefit 4,050 workers
The drivers said that they did not want labor continuity, but rather compensation that guaranteed their benefits after the government takes over the system.
Guadamuz said that once this process is completed, audits will be done of Mi Bus finances as the drivers have lodged complaints over unpaid overtime claims.
“What matters is that we have a document in black and white,” he said.
The union ordered its drivers to return to work at 5 a.m.