Tribunal lifts Electoral Prosecutor immunity for 2nd time

THE ELECTORAL Tribunal (TE) has lifted the immunity in criminal courts of Electoral Attorney General Eduardo Peñaloza. for the second time in a month
The decision was taken by three TE judges on Monday January 12 at the request of the Attorney General’s Office which has initiated an investigation against Penaloza following a complaint against him for “abuse of authority and violation of the duties of public servants” .
The complaint was filed by Carlos Rubio, acting president of the Popular Party (PP), on September 30, 2014.
According to Rubio’s complaint, Penaloza “ignored constitutional and legal functions, allowing the use of state resources for the benefit of candidates from the government or government parties, dirty campaigns and other election crimes” .
On January 7, the judges also lifted Penazola’s immunity following a complaint filed with the Public Prosecutor the National Association of Lawyers for alleged breach of duties
Rubio said: “The Electoral Prosecutor can no longer hide and what comes is the investigation, punishment and dismissal. Even during the investigation the prosecutor has to be separated to avoid destroying evidence. Panama deserves an Electoral Prosecutor to do his work, and not a pillar of salt.
In an interview with FOX on January 13 the prosecutor said he has done his job, that statistics on cases brought “speak for themselves”. He presented a document highlighting over a thousand processes.
He said that “at the right time we will address these allegations in law”. He said he believes “”
“they” want him out of office. “It is no secret that President Varela said that I should resign,” he said.
Penaloza who was a Democratic Change (CD) activist until his appointment- has been strongly criticized for his performances in the Electoral Office. His term ends in 2018