Motta and Electoral Tribunal on spying hit list

THE RICHEST man in Central America, the president of Panama’s Electoral Tribunal, members of the National Bar Association, politicians, journalists and trade union leaders are among those who were victims of phone hacking by the government of former President Ricardo Martinelli.

Stanley Motta went to the Deputy Attorney General Wednesday, January 14, to confirm  his appearance  on the list of 150 people whose conversations were intercepted.
Erasmo Pinilla. president of the Electoral Tribunal, also visited the prosecutor to confirm he was on the black list.
Both men were targets of frequent criticism by Martinelli while he was in power.
Pinilla said: “My emails and calls were intercepted. I went to the prosecutor and identified documents “, reports La Prensa.
He said the current situation in the country “is the product of five years of people who believed that what the Constitution and laws say is a joke.”
The union leader Mariano Mena also went to the Deputy Attorney General to check his appearance on the list of victims of hacking.