Mayor demands jail for Martinelli

PANAMA City Mayor Jose Isabel Blandon, was among the growing number of leading citizens heading for the office of the Assistant Attorney General to confirm that they were on the Martinelli government espionage list and subjected to wiretapping or internet hacking..
After leaving the office on Thursday, January 15, Blandon said both his communications and his campaign manager were intercepted by the National Security Council says La Prensa.

He said he would be plaintiff in a complaint that follows the prosecution against the illegal electronic surveillance after recognizing some emails intercepted by the Security Council.
He said that during the last political campaign he came across several reports in newspapers owned by Ricardo Martinelli, of private meetings and conversations he held with leaders of his party, Panameñista.
He also commented that the record shows a phone number of his father.
He said equipment purchased by the State paid from public funds was for persons ” engaged in spying on citizens who were opposed to the authoritarianism of Ricardo Martinelli It is clear that this was a widespread practice by order of resident Martinelli, “he said.
He added that this situation requires that all managers involved, beginning with Martinelli, go to jail.
Blandon said, ” If he [Martinelli] is man he should assume the consequences of this actions, are stripped of any immunity and come to face justice.”
The highest representatives of private enterprise, the Electoral Tribunal and the union leaders were victims of phone hacking government of former President Martinelli (2009-2014).