Mayor of poorest region took only 5% cut.

THE MAYOR of one of the poorest regions in the country put both boots in his mouth during a television interview in the middle of the 2014 election campaign when he tried to justify the management of $7.5 million from the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) transferred to four ruling party deputies.

Humberto Sanchez, mayor of the Rio de Jesus municipality said he charged “only 5% commission”.
The phrase caused a local political earthquake. He also handed out another hot chestnut in admitting that among the beneficiaries of his 5% largesse was controversial Carlos ‘Tito’ Afú, said to have spent some $4.5 million of taxpayer money to get himself re-elected. His victory was challenged, and he was forced to run again and, as the handouts from his warehouse of goodies continued he was again declared victor in the November by-election.
With a CD Electoral Prosecutor doing an imitation of the three brass monkeys, Afú returned to the Assembly, But the Electoral Prosecutor is himself under the gun and, along with, Afú has lost his immunity from prosecution.
If Panama follows through on its criminal investigations of those who allegedly stole millions from the “shoes of people” they claimed to represent, there could be some interesting political discussion groups behind the walls of Panama’s prisons, and perhaps some of the money may end up serving the people who elected the malefactors.
Sanchez’s confession automatically made him one of the most controversial figures of the electoral process and he is in the crosshairs of representatives of civil society and is already under investigation after a citizen filed a complaint against him in late May 2014,.He is accused of using public funds for political campaign.
At the Electoral Tribunal (TE)hearing over Afús use of government funds, the mayor detailed how he distributed the money and who benefitted. “It just looked bad, not good,” he said.
He said that with the money from commissions [$376,000] he made “works”. But most resident thinks otherwise according to a La Prensa investigation.
Rio de Jesus is a municipality located in the heart of Veraguas with 5,551 inhabitants. It is marked by poverty and the lack of public infrastructure.
Sanchez’s work was not limited to a few deputies. He also channeled funds to the MOLIRENA candidate for the, mayor of Veraguas Samid Sandoval.
Sanchez now faces an investigation by The First electoral prosecutor Juan Jesus Pinzon, for the alleged commission of electoral offenses against freedom and sanctity of the ballot during the election
A complaint filed by Jonny Joel Hernández Almanza, argued that that the disproportionate distribution of public funds “for the sole purpose of benefitting Democratic Change and MOLIRENA candidates “.
The complainant requested, forensic audits to certify the amounts of the items received and justification of expenditure in the municipality of Rio de Jesus and multiple community boards.
The prosecutor says that the process has two purposes: checking a punishable act and the linking of responsibility.
During 2013 and 2014 electoral campaign under the management of Ricardo Martinelli, $76 million was transferred to community boards and municipalities for use of candidates, mostly from the ruling party Rio de Jesus received the most
Consulted over the latest TE decision, Sanchez TOLD La Prensa he has not yet been formally notified of the lifting of his immunity.
He said that at the time the Comptroller (now replaced and under her own cloud) ” realized” that everything was done in “order” and as it “should be”.
The Electoral Tribunal, during the impeachment process against Carlos Afu, inspected the Sanchez offices in the Municipality of Rio deJesus
“I did nothing wrong. I’m quiet as I reviewed everything, “said Sanchez.