Commemorating the January 9 Martyrs

THE COMMEMORATION of the January 9, 1964 historic events began with the playing of the National Anthem and hoisting the Panamanian flag at half-mast in the Cathedral Plaza.

The Metropolitan Cathedral was the venue for the Te Deum attended by President Juan Carlos Varela and members of his Cabinet. Members of Heroes Emeritus Association also participated
Varela said that “it is time to pay tribute to those young people who gave everything for the country.”
Relatives of the dead and survivors of the January 9 event have requested an increase in their pension. The President said that the issue is under evaluation.
In the Garden of Peace wreaths were placed in honor of the martyrs.

In the late afternoon, on the steps of the Canal Administration Building, eight Panamanians participating in a Musical Lyrical Recital, recited verses alluding to the events and the deaths of students confronting the US military. 
Current students of The National Institute stood alongside veterans of the 1964 protests during the playing of patriotic songs by the Municipal Band.
The event was attended by relatives of martyrs and the general public. It ended with the laying of wreaths made up of green leaves and tricolor ribbons, around the monument of the flame of the martyrs, in the Ascanio Arosemena Training Center