Ex-police boss ran Panama spy network

PANAMA’ SDeputy Minister of Government and Security Council Secretary of State in the Ricardo Martinelli, era was the person who set up the state team to intercept telecommunications with Israeli equipment that today has disappeared, says a protected witness.

 “He personally told me: I bought this computer .., I manage this team,” said the witness in an interview with TVN Channel 2. He was referring to Gustavo Perez, who was police chief until he had a much publicized bust up with the then Security Minister Raoul Mulino.
Pérez, contacted by telephone by La Prensa, denied the accusations and said he could not talk becausehe was in a meeting.
THE equipment to which the complainant refers was acquired on July 23, 2010 at a cost of $13.475million with the Israeli company MLM Protection Ltdwith $13.475 from the National Assistance Program (PAN) -then called Social Investment Fund (FIS)-, under the direction of Giacomo Tamburrelli- The witness said that Perez, in order to manage the team, attended a 10 day training session in Israel.  

Perez was the first director of the National Police in the Martinelli administration but was removed in March 2012. He went on to direct the State Security Council. Finally, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Government.
Not one of the directors of the State Security Council in the government of Martinelli (2009-2014) has admitted having seen the equipmen 5t. Besides Pérez, the directors were Olmedo Alfaro and Alejandro Garuz and Julio Maltó . All insist they had no role in a spy operation.
On December 2, 2014 a criminal complaint against Garuz was filed with the Attorney First Anticorruption against for the alleged commission of offenses against public administration.
The complaint was driven by the current executive secretary of the entity, Rolando López Pérez, after discovery of the loss of  spy equipment , belonging to the Security Council.
During the government of Ricardo Martinelli (2009-2014) a spy network was established to track l opponents, ruling deputies, independents, and diplomats,