OFF THE CUFF: Corruption prosecutors face a busy year

THE LIST of people facing interrogation by Panama’s anti–corruption prosecutors, investigating alleged widespread malfeasance during the previous administration headed by 99 Supermarket tycoon, Ricardo Martinelli, grows daily and has already earned among cartoonists the sobriquet “the 99 thieves”.

The latest crop of “entrepreneurs” called for questioning by the First Anti-corruption prosecutor, early in the new year, include Pablo Ruiz Obregón, Praxedis Pinzón and Roberto Pérez, all related to alleged irregularities in the sale of rice to the National Assistance Program(PAN) during the Martinelli era.
The PAN ex-assesor Julissa Stanziola will also be questioned by prosecutors about a possible embezzlement of more than $1.7 million, sources involved in the process have told La Prensa
The current CEO of PAN, Rafael Stanziola, filed the complaint of embezzlement of its assets against Julissa Stanziola who, according to political sources, was the right hand of the former head of PAN Rafael Guardia Jaén, now in a cell in La Gran Joya jail, on charges of embezzlement and corruption. Stanziola worked in the PAN until June 30.

The entrepreneur Pablo Ruiz Obregon is linked to Hialing Corporation, SA, which won a contract worth more than $500,000 to deliver food bags to PAN.

Roberto Perez, alias ‘El Cubano ‘, also received millions of dollars in contracts from PAN.

A prosecution witness said PAN hired Pérez companies with cost overruns then shared the “profits”, reports La Prensa.

Perez had a close friendship with Guardia Jaén, former head of PAN.

Guardia Jaén’s predecessor at PAN, Giacomo Tamburrelli is under house arrest, awaiting further questioning over a $45 million dried food contract which he says he signed under orders from Martinelli.

Manuel Navarro Paz and Maria del Carmen Vergara “entrepreneurs” were arrested for their alleged involvement in embezzlement by selling rice to PAN.
2015 is going to be a busy time for anti-corruption prosecutors as they rope in more of the “99 thieves”