OFF THE CUFF: The Midas touch at PAN

EVERYTHING that King Midas touched turned to gold, but his good fortune, backfired on him and he was not able enjoy the spoils of his obsessive greed. The same seems to be holding true for a number of high ranking and high living, members of the previous administration now facing charges of massive embezzlement.
Former director of the National Assistance Program (PAN) Rafael Guardia is a case in point. After the revelation of his millionaire mansion in Costa Del Este and the discovery of $13 million dollars hidden in accounts in various banks, comes the news that he paid over a million dollars for the purchase of another mansion, on a project under construction in the exclusive residential complex of Camino de Cruces, Clayton. This after videos appeared on YouTube and social networks showing a giant home in Costa del Este, valued at near $1 miilion before some luxury additions.
The First Anticorruption Prosecutor on Thursday, November 27, found several management checks to purchase the property issued by Musashi Investment, SA, linked to Guardia Jaén,.
The discovery was made during an inspection made by the Prosecutor after receiving information from a business linked to real estate entrefound and must be returned,” said a source close to the investigations of Guardia Jaén, who has exchanged his mansion lifestyle for a cell in the Judicial Investigation Center in Ancon, on charges of embezzlement.
Investment Musashi, S.A. is also mentioned in a complaint for alleged embezzlement of more than $60 million for the purchase of dehydrated foods that by PAN. Under the direction of an earlier PAN director, Giacomo Tamborelli .
In this society appears as signatory Javier Richa Cachafeiro, friend of Juárez Guardia the son of the former director. Richa Cachafeiro who also worked at the National Mortgage Bank (BHN) appears as a signatory to another account held by the same company in Banesco, for $1.5 million, which has been seized.
Prosecutors will follow the track of Richa Cachafeiro because he is company secretary of Brescia Tre, SA, owner of the yacht “Boombastic” seized a week ago atF lamenco Island in Amador.
Guardia Jaén hasalso seen the seizure of $13 million in bank accounts and of homes in Condado del Rey, San Antonio, Costa del Este, San Francisco and an apartment in the Rivage building on Avenida Balboa
Garcia has chosen to remain silent during questioning by the anti-corupion prosecutors.