Ex-Minister admits punch up and shooting

GUILLERMO FERRUFINO -the former Minister of Social Development under investigation for alleged offenses against public administration, admitted on TV on Wednesday, November 27 a story of violence and shooting that has been creeping into social media since the March incidents at one of his farms in Chorrera.

At a time when he still had ambitions to run for mayor he threw a party for supporters in Chorrera , and as the liquor flowed ended up in his punching his advisor Carlos Espino Villaláz.in the face.
As the advisor left in his car, Ferrufino allegedly took a gun and fired at the departing vehicle carrying two people reports La Prensa.
In spite of efforts to induce a code of silence among the guests, the story gradually leaked.
Soon after, Ferrufino withdrew his mayoralty bid, claiming health reasons
Meanwhile investigations continue into the properties he owns, which do not reflect the salary he earned as a Minister.
He has submitted a new affidavit of assets that includes properties that he claims to have omitted for lack of legal knowledge.
In an intereview with Telemetro The former official, hoped that the new document remedy “omissions”, like a $25,000 horse, and he explained how he used family and friends to justify his properties.
During the interview, without giving details of the fracas at his party , he admitted that it happened and said that for his family’s sake something like that would never happen again.