More allegations of Martinelli connection with suspended scandal brokerage

MAYTE PELLEGRINI, the only one currently under arrest in the Financial Pacific (FP), embezzlement scandal again referred to the linkage of former President Ricardo Martinelli with the brokerage firm, now under liquidation.

Pellegrini, who in December will have spent two years behind bars and in now in a cell of the Directorate of Judicial Investigation (DIJ), reiterated on TV that Ricardo Martinelli had an account called High Spirit, used to acquire shares of Petaquilla Gold in Canada.
Pellegrini said she found that High Spirit belonged to the former president when signed an order to withdraw money from the account.

“He [Martinelli] put in  $200,000 and ended up withdrawing almost $3 million” in a year, Pellegrini revealed this on the Fox TV program on Wednesday  morning., November 19. The interview wasrecorded via her cell phone.
Following the interview, Pellegrini was punished by losing her daily hour walk through the grounds of the DIJ. Her lawyer Kevin Moncada announced that he will will file a complaint against the director Marcos Cordoba.
Pellegrini also mentioned on Telemetro that Martinelli transferred $800,000 to Taiwan. and that in one year his investment of $200,000 realizd $3 million, but 50% of otheer investos lost evertyhing.
On October 31, Pellegrini declared that in December 2012 she made a pact with the then Attorney General Jose Ayu Prado – Current President of the Supreme Court, to retract an earlier statement that Martinelli had links had links with FP and a secret account which manipulated shares of Petaquilla Gold.
Pellegrini said she did so because, in return, Ayu Prado promised to get her and her family out of jail. She said the then Attorney General even drafted the declaration of withdrawal.
On August 11, the Superintendency of Securities ordered the forced liquidation of FP, for financial mismanagement.

The program was rebroadcasr on Wednesday evening followed y an interview with lawyer and deputy Zulay Rodriguez who said she feared for the safety of Pellegrini, and she reeled off a list of names of people associated with Martinelli and Financial Pacifico and said the brokerage was massively involved in gun running and money laundering while being fed with information from within the Superintendency. She claimed that the Public Ministry had all the evidence needed but  was held back by the intereconectivity of Panama families. She called on protection for Pellegrini, and not punishment for speaking out

Metro TV followed up with a special on the disappearance of  Vernon Ramos, the  Superintendency auditor who originally uncovered discrepencies at the brokerage,