PAN corruption investigation expanding

The National Assistance Program (PAN) scandal continues to widen and First and Second Anticorruption prosecutors  have been called in to help deal with the expanded investigation following  a new anonymous tip leading to another  giant can of worms..

The tip was received by the second anticorruption prosecutor Lizzett Chevalier and related to fictitious overflights, buying bags of beans that were not delivered, cost overruns in the acquisition of rice or school backpacks, and fraudulent deliveries of the “floor and ceiling”.

The alleged injury against PAN equity is estimated at hundreds of millions of dollars, said the complainant to the judicial authorities, an unprecedented in alleged fictitious purchases.

Anti-corruption prosecutors will also keep track of contracts to buy tires made Jaén Guardia for the PAN vehicle fleet. This business was monopolized by Free Port Pty, SA, which is directly  linked to his son Rafael  Guardia .Juárez.

Incorporated on February 19, 2013, the company had a turnover of nearly half a million dollars with the PAN between March and May 2014, according to purchase orders countersigned by the comptroller, Gioconda Torres de Bianchini a former Ricardo Martinelli employee.

One of those purchases was made just two days before the election and it was for $169,000 to provide new tires to the entire PAN vehicle fleet.

The president of Free Port Pty, SA.,  Sadat Charles Bonilla Ojeda, is a lawyer friend of Rafael Guardia.Juarez  Both worked in the Directorate of Public Procurement in the Martinelli government.

Bonilla Ojeda is linked to  Piombino Group Holdings SA, which maintains bank accounts frozen by the First Anticorruption Prosecutor. Also listed as a director of Investment RALM Panama, SA, in which is Monica Andrade, employed by the former director of PAN reports La Prensa

In February 2013, Piombino Holdings bought an apartment in PH Khufu Tower, located in the district of San Francisco, valued at $340,000. Ojeda Bonilla gave an initial payment of  $200,000 t and the balance, of  $140,000 was paid by cashier’s check. This property is also frozen.

La Prensa, said it made great efforts to get the version of Guardia Jaen and Bonilla Ojeda, but were unsuccessful.