Panama asylum seeker heads home to jail

FORMER Ecuadorian Legislator Tito Galo Lara Yépez will soon be on his way home to face a 10 years prison sentence for being an accomplice to a triple murder in Ecuador.

In the meantime he will spend his last hours in Panama in the notorious La Joya prison complex.
The Foreign Ministry said the extradition comes after the Supreme Court rejected a claim presented by Lara Yépez to block the move.
Guillermo Cochez, the lawyer for the former politician, said he has not yet been notified about the extradition, but said his client was taken to La Joya.
Ecuador Attorney General Galo Chiriboga, through a message on Twitter, reported the extradition on Friday afternoon, November 14.
Lara Yépez had been granted asylum in Panama in October 2013 by claiming he was being persecuted by President Rafael Correa.
The asylum was revoked in May and a month later he was arrested in a house on Rio Grande, Veraguas. In August, the Foreign Ministry accepted an extradition request from Ecuador, but could not proceed on it until the Supreme Court ruled on the motion to block it filed by the former politician.