Bar Association calls for anti-corruption crusade

A LETTER calling for a crusade against corruption has gone from The president of the National Bar Association (CNA) José Alberto Alvarez to the Archbishop of Panama, José Domingo Ulloa.

 According to Alvarez, a citizen approached him last Saturday and asked the CNA to propose to Ulloa proposal to campaign against this scourge. “Corruption is an evil worse than AIDS and Ebola together,” said the lawyer.
He said the message to the archbishop is that “in every Mass, every priest will ask citizens to denounce as a Christian role, corruption. That Christians make a cross and give information to the judicial authorities to locate the assets of the corrupt, and their accomplices. “
Alvarez said the words match what Ulloa said at the Te Deum on November 3 at the Metropolitan Cathedral, which stressed that “corruption is the worst disease” that is hitting the country. You cannot grab a corrupt person when they receive bribes, nobody gives receipt to them- but they van be spotted when they spend.”. He added that this evil is no longer seen as a sin in some circles, not judging anyone who gets rich overnight
“The children are no longer ashamed of their thieving parents. They do not know where the money comes from, but enjoy the change of life, beach houses, luxury buildings, yachts and more.”