OFF THE CUFF: Winds of change for Panamas corrupt.

WHILE THE COLLEGE of lawyers. Church leaders, civil society organizations and large swathes of the Panamanian public are united in their desire to bring the chickens home to roost for multiple alleged malefactors in the previous administration, there are still some who oppose the widening crackdown on corruption.
President Juan Carlos Varela addressed those on, Monday November 10, when he said that every former official of the management of former president Ricardo Martinelli facing processes in the judicial sphere was “playing defense.”
“Each to his own conscience. Everyone has the right to defend himself, I’m focused on working for Panama … ” he said during activities in La Villa de Los Santos marking “the first shout” leading to independence from Spain.
He said that “undoubtedly to improve as a country a person, has always to be accountable and the certainty of punishment for those who have committed crimes is important,” reports La Prensa.
So far, four senior officials of the past administration are facing criminal proceedings and more have been identified as possible targets of the justice system.
aría Cristina González, former Director of Immigration; Luis Eduardo Camacho, exviceminitro of Commerce; Guillermo Ferrufino, former Minister of Social Development; and Alejandro Moncada Luna, who has been suspended from the Supreme Court while his investigation is under way.
If the net continues to spread Panama will truly facing its own WInds of Change, a phrase made famous by former British Prime Minister Harold MacMillan.