Climate change study in Azuero

A STUDY underway along the coast of the Azuero peninsula to determine changes that are taking place there in relation to the rising level of the Pacific Ocean,reveals flint that was once under water once under water has been found half a kilometer from the coast.

The study is focused on the area around the mouth of the Purio River, located between the districts of Pocri and Pedasí in Los Santos. It is being done to study erosion in the area, which affects the shoreline.
It is being led by Jaime Rivera, of the Physical Geography Department of the University of Panama, and funded by the Institute of Exact Sciences of the University of Sao Paulo.
The investigation is 35 percent complete. So far, researchers have found flint 500 meters from the coast, which was brought to the area by marine currents, meaning it was once underwater reports La Prensa
The study is also examining the differences between the southern and northern areas of mangroves.
The study is being done to assist coastal marine planning and to record data to study the effects of climate change.