Canadian authorities strike Petaquilla Gold

PANAMA’S PETAQUILLA gold mine, in trouble with the local government and workers for non payment of compensation,now faces the wrath of Canadian Securities and tax  authorities and shareholders.

 The British Columbia Securities Commission (BCSC) in Vancouvers has uspended trading of company shares by CEO, Joao C. Manuel,  and CFO, Ezequiel Sirotinsky.

Allegations have been made by a former Petaquilla manager under investigation  in the Financial Pacific Scandal, that former president Ricardo Martinell was involved in a plot to rig trading in the shares of the mine.
The decision came after Petaquilla failed to produce by October 29, financial reporting of the fiscal year ended July 31.
The company was also included in the list of defaulters for nonpayment of taxes required by Canadian securities law.
Earlier this year due to financial problems Petaquilla suspended gold mining in Molejón in the district of Donoso, Colon.
The company posted a loss of $ 11.6 million between January and March, and last week failed to pay wages to more than 600 workers.
Its shareholders are asking the board led by Richard Fifer stepping aside to run a restructuring plan reports La Prensa.