Panama visitors opting for all inclusive deals

NORTH AMERICAN and European tourists visiting Panama are increasingly opting for “all inclusive” hotel packages paying a fixed fee for everything.
In the province of Cocle alone it represents 95% of the hotel supply reports Panama America
Following the 2008 global economic crisis which began in 2008, tourists are looking for a hotel service that allows them to enjoy a more comprehensive service, According to studies by the firm RCI, 50% of Europeans traveling to Panama opt for this service when visiting the country.

Eugenio Macouzet, senior vice president and general manager for the Caribbean at RCI , said that “… studies by the company show that in the country for the last 10 years, Europeans, Canadians and Americans are those who have most consumed this type of holiday product.”

Luis Namnum, president of Occidental Vacation Club, told  that “… Hotel owners have had to categorize this service and nowadays there are established concepts that accompany it, such as Premier and Premier Plus.”