New Facebook page for Carols by Candlelight

By Margot Thomas.
WITH JUST five weeks to go to the 4th annual Carols by Candlelight/LucesDeNavidad Concert at Mirador Del Pacifico, Cinta Costera, the organizers have launched a new Facebook page (Carols by Candlelight Panama,) packed with updated information, photos, videos and more.
Meanwhile the seven participating choirs are deep into rehearsal, and during the coming days will be profiled on the Facebook site.
The site also carries an on line reservation system for $15 seating, allowing purchasers to get their reservation tickets by return and pick up their souvenir candles and bi-lingual song books when they arrive for the concert on Saturday December 6.
Reserved numbered seats, candles and carols books for the VIP section are available at $25 and $20, and will be delivered to your home or office in Panama City, and Costa del Este, within three days of receipt of your order. Call 6619.6890, or email carols panama at
Invitations are being delivered to 30 ambassadors and la group of ocal dignitaries, and reservations are arriving every day, so now is the time to make your bid for prime seating.
If you prefer to stand, or take your own stool, the concert is Free,
But if you want to be part of the candle waving action, and help the fund raising effort, you can order led souvenir candles at $5 and $10. Orders of $25 or more will be delivered free or you can pick them up in Bella Vista.
Participating choirs come from many segments of the community, including Musica Viva the award winning choir conducted by Maestro Jorge Ledezma-Bradley.
The choir is recently back from a European tour including a performance at the Vatican. Soon after the Carols Concert they will be presenting a performance of Handel’s Messiah.
Coro Redencion have been an audience favorite along with King’s College, since the first Carols Concert They are joined by Coro Colegio Panama, Coro Fe Bahha’i, , Coro Decamara (Mormon),and Coro Juan Pablo II .
The event, organized by the CanadaPLUS Club, to raise funds for local charities and institutions receives support from many quarters including: Alcaldia de Panama, The Canadian Embassy, Panama, La Casita de Navidad, Copa Airlines, Felipe Motta, French Embassy, Panama, INAC (Panama’s Cultural Institute) Jungleland Panama, Kings College, The Miramar Intercontinental Hotel, The Ministry of Public Works, Newsroom Panama, La Prensa, Palo Alto, The UK Embassy, Panama, USA Peace Corp and the Visitor/Visitante.
Hospital Santo Tomas will be the principal beneficiary this year.