8 years on, law to help diethylene glycol victims

The National Assembly’s Health Subcommittee began the study and analysis of a draft law to benefit the victims of Panama’s diethylene glycol poisoning scandal leading to the deaths of over 200 people and the lifelong disabling of hundreds more eight years ago.

Crispiano Adames, chairman of the Committee on Labor, Health and Social Development, said that this project seeks to introduce the concept of psychological assistance to the victims. Previous laws have granted medical benefits to them.
Daniel Sarmiento, vice president of the Committee of Family Members of Victims, said that the document has been proposed and submitted to Adames for study and analysis, since these issues are not covered by the previous laws.
Thousands of people were poisoned by government-issued cough syrup containing diethylene glycol which is used in anti-freeze, and the number of dead will likely never be finally tallied