More revelations about suspended judge

NEW ELEMENTS have come to light in the case of Alejandro Moncada Luna, the Supreme Court Judge, separated from office by the National Assembly revealing holdings in a security agency not included in his financial statement of December 2010, when he reported that he owned only a van and a gold Rolex watch.
This was announced by the attorney Lisímaco Jesus Rosas, president of the Nationalist Republican Liberal Movement (MOLIRENA) awho was a partner in this project, promoted by the judge in November 2000.
Rosas said that Moncada Luna created the agency, Omega Security, along with Uttam Choithram Nandwani.
Moncada Luna was apartner with a 33.3% share, as reported. But then, Moncada Luna “broke the company without giving report [to the [other partners], who did not know how much was the debt he had with the bank until we receive a notification in 2005 of the former Banco Cuscatlan, Citibank today.”
Rosas, who signed a bank commitment, said he has had nine years of paying with bills of $550, which represented, so far, $ 62,000. The current balance is $ 44,776,he said on Wednesday in an interview with La Prensa.
Rosas said that according to the information that has been able to gather so far, the company is still active and presided over by a native of Veraguas, which is trusted by Moncada Luna.
According to information from the Public Registry, the president of the company Omega Security is Humberto Elias Juarez. “Yes he is, but is just an amanuensis for Moncada Luna,” Rosas said.
Last Monday, as he left the hearing at the National Assembly in which he was charged Moncada Luna said that his attorney fees were paid in cash, and there were no bank accounts in his name and his assets are in the name of his wife.
Moncada Luna, was appointed judge of the Court by President Ricardo Martinelli, but was suspended from office and placed under house arrest while he is being investigated for alleged offenses of unjust enrichment, money laundering, forgery of documents and public malfeasance.