Crack down on illegal casinos, imported school busea

Crack down on illegal casinos and imported school buses
THE GOVERNMENT is about to crack down on unlicensed casinos and the importation of school buses and will make changes in the sales of national lottery tickets
President Juan Carlos Varela said Monday, October 20 that, in the next few days, unlicensed casinos around the country will be closed. Although he did not specify the locations of these gaming rooms, he said that they are located in areas where low-income families live and work and without the proper licenses.
Varela said that he will make changes in the. Although he did not specify the changes, he noted that they will result in resources to give incentives to sellers of the tickets.
The ban on the import of school buses will block a loophole as some private companies and colleges were allowed to import the vehicles, but they were being transferred to public transport and hitting the roads as diablos rojos.
“That authorization had been given during the last government,” Varela said.
Transportation union leader Eliecer Montenegro said that this measure will be difficult because these buses still serve an important role in public transport outside of Panama City.