Assembly committee accepts complaint against Supreme Court judge

The National Assembly’s Credentials Committee has accepted a complaint against Supreme Court Justice Alejandro Moncada Luna for the alleged crime of unjustified enrichment.

Deputies Ana Matilde Gómez, Zulay Rodríguez and Katleen Levy will integrate a subcommittee to investigate the complaint. The decision was taken unanimously: nine votes in favor and none against. CD deputies Marylin Vallarino, Mario Miller and Héctor Valdés Carrasquilla supported the motion reports La Prensa
The claim was submitted by a group that includes the National Bar Association and the Citizen’s Alliance for Justice.
The committee dismissed a similar claim filed by lawyer Honorio Quesada. The reason given for rejecting the complaint presented by Quesada is that it lacked evidence. The first member to take the floor was Carrasquilla, who called for the separation of several of his colleagues from this matter.
Then Miller requested that Rodríguez (PRD) and Gómez (independent) be excused due to comments about the case they made to the media.
Both points were rejected by Commission President Luis Barría, who said the meeting was convened only to admit or reject the allegations against Moncada Luna.