Bingo! Buko Millionaire is no more

Buko the millionaire bingo game broadcast on Tuesdays and Saturdays is no more. World Investment Group, SA, announced its cancellation on Thurday October 2 following the rejection of its appeal for reconsideration to the Gaming Control Board 

The group had said . “We reiterate our unconditional adherence to Panamanian Regulations,” said a press release.
Ticket sellers can return unsold coupons to the agency or supplier. Outstanding prizes can be redeemed until expiry date Oct. 28, 2013.
Two days after the lottery debuted, Global Gaming Corporation was sued over the legality of the Authorized Contract because, according to the applicant, the Gaming Control Board did not act in an equitable manner in validating the documents submitted by the company in granting the contract, and It claimed not enough background work was done into the company’s beneficiaries and failed to address anomalies contained in the contract.