Panama runner wins womens marathon

PANAMANIAN runner Lotty Harari were the winners won women’s section of the second edition of the International Marathon of the Americas on Sunday, September 28.

 She i completed the 42 kilometere in three hours, 22 minutes and 39 seconds, followed by Alicia Zorrilla, with a time of 3.28.35 and Iris Camarena, 3: 34.18.
In the male category, Colombian José Cardona Cardona won with a record of 2: 29.02, well off the pace for the record of 2:24. Second place went to Rosvelino Chocca of Peru (2: 35.09), and the third to Colombian Luis Cardona, 2.41.19.
The wheelchair competitions were won by Desiree Aguilar and Luis Alberto.
Agustin Alcazar and Beatriz Torrente triumphed in the half marathon (21 kilometers). Alcazar crossed the line with a time of 1: 14.17, folloed by Yasser Reyes and Agustín Santamaría. Torrente won with a time of 1: 27.34, followed by Viviana Villalda and Daniela Wagner.