Two dead 5 hospitalized in Chepo crash

TWO PASSENGERS were killed and five hospitalized, including four children when, the driver of a four by four fell asleep at the wheel early on Saturday, September 27  in the village of Tortí in the Chepo district.

The driver was a member of the State Border Service(SENAFRONT), reports La Prensa.
The incident occurred onthe Pan American Highway at 5:00 am .

The vehicle was traveling from Los Andes, Panama and heading heading for the province of Darien when the tragedy occurred.

The dead are two women, one aged 52 and one 53, both were trapped inside the car.

The injured children, reported to have multiple injuries were aged from three to 16 years.

The injured were first taken first taken in two ambulances to the Tortí Health Center and then to the emergency room of the Chepo Regional hospital
They have been detained but are out of danger.