Rudy Giuliani says Noriega court claim absurd

 FORMER New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani has joined the management of the firm Activision Blizzard to fight a lawsuit filed by Panama’s imprisoned former dictator Manuel Antonio Noriega against that company’s Call of Duty popular game.

 The company announced Monday that along with Giuliani it asked a Los Angeles judge to reject the demand for Noriega, who claims his image was used without permission in one of the games of this series, says an AP news agency report.
Noriega sued Activision in June on the grounds that the company had characterized as “kidnapper, murderer and enemy of the state”.
“What is amazing is that Manuel Noriega, a notorious dictator who is in jail for the heinous crimes he has committed, is upset for being represented as criminal and enemy of the state in the game Call of Duty,” Giuliani wrote in a statement . “It’s just absurd.”
Activision maintains that if Noriega demand continues, could impact how historical figures are represented in video games, as well as in film and television.
The games company have represented historical figures like John Kennedy and Fidel Castro.
The lawsuit claims that the inclusion of Noriega in the game increased gambling revenue, generating more than a billion dollars in sales within 15 days of being released to the public in 2012.

Noriega is in the Renacer Prison awaiting trial on murder charges after aoendin 17 years in a US jail,  and another 2 in France for money laundering.