Candidate’s $6 million election spending investigation

ALLEGATIONS of another alleged multi-million dollar vote buying election spending spree are being investigated by officials of the Electoral Tribunal (TE).

Accompanied by staff from the Electoral Prosecutor’s Office, they began an inspection at noon on Thursday, September 11 ,of records of the Playa Leona Communal Board in La Chorrera as part of the investigation into Lilia Batista, the CD candidate who won the representative election for that district.
Batista is accused of having managed more than $6 million in funds in the circuit. Batista and her lawyers are taking part in the investigation, as well as lawyers for Marcel Rivera, the PRD candidate who contested the election.
The investigation will focus on purchase orders and subsidies given to the community of Playa Leona between Nov. 1, 2013 and April 30, 2014.