OFF THE CUFF: Fast track auditing and “pumping up” Oscar

FAST-TRACK Rogers Forensic Auditors, the company that won the tender to audit the National Assistance Program (PAN), will have six months to do the work. The deadline was set by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, which issued the $875,000 contract.
The head of the winning company is auditor Juan Iván Rogers Harper. He is an expert in detecting fraud and corruption, and is certified by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation, said the Ministry. The government promised to reveal the results of this audit once it is completed.
PAN administered $1.2 billion in funds in four years, with much eyebrow raising along the way as the money poured out.
UPSTAGING OSCAR – Newsroom’s entertainment contributor is mouthing a big “oops” After She wrote a piece about the current TGA (Theater Guild of Ancon) production of the Oscar Wilde classic The Importance of Being Earnest and said that “ The Wilde one liners will ring as fresh as at its 1894 premier,” Later she received a note from the TGA which said the British directors, have taken the original 1894 script and pumped up the satirical essence of the play. “It has flamboyant characters, delectable staging, and jovial music, far from the traditions of Wilde.” We will never know how the great one would react to having his work “pumped up” but it brings to mind the story of Wilde at a soiree, reacting to a witticismNE from someone else. Wilde is reported to have said: “I wish I had said that”. To which the response was: “You will Oscar” You will”
So maybe there will be some new memorable lines to pass down the ages. Judge for yourself. The show is on Thursday through Saturday for another two weeks, and, if you are an improv fan, you will get some surprises.