OFF THE CUFF: Nepotism charge claims first victim

ACCUSATIONS of nepotism in Panama’s new government have claimed their first victim. Jaime Alemán Arosemena, nephew of the Minister of the Presidency, Álvaro Alemán Healy, submitted his resignation as the $4,000 a month executive assistant in that particular corridor of power.

The information was released Sunday night by the Ministry of Communication through a note in which the Minister thanked Jaime having performed his duties diligently.

After La Prensa exposed the hiring -the Minister claimed that nothing prevented him from doing so and he had not violated the law.

Decree No. 246 of December 15, 2004, which created the Uniform Code of Ethics for Public Officials, Article 39 states that “in order to preserve the independence of judgment and the principle of equity, public servant cannot maintain relationships or accept situations in which context your personal, business, economic or financial interests may be in conflict with the fulfillment of the duties and functions of his office.”

Other cosy hiring’s fingered by La Prensa include Florita Ciniglio, sisterof  Government MinisterMilton Henriquez, hired as a consultant, she too draws $4,000 a month from the public purse.

Jorge Barakat,Administrator of the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP), named his sister deputy Jindriska  as sub director of Public Procurement, but as no director has been appointed she  serves as acting director and  monitors all purchases and grants of the body controlled by her brother.

Another appointment raising eyebrows is that of of Rafael Stanziola as director of the National Assistance Program (PAN), whose initial task  is to audit the profligate use of $800, million  during the previous administration.  His cousin Julissa Stanziola was legal advisor the  PAN in the government of Ricardo Martinelli.  and would have been privy to any “mishaps” favoring  political allies and friends  then ruling Democratic Change (CD).

Panameñista insiders have played down the link, claiming that Panama is a small country “where we are all related in some way.”

OUTSIDE LOOKING IN– An Electoral Tribunal decision favoring two PRD candidates has raised the ire ofRomulo Roux, general secretary of the Democratic Change (CD) party. 
“This is just another blatant attempt of voter fraud by the [Electoral Tribunal] PRD- -Panameñista alliance, ” he said

With a host of appeals against elected CD deputies alleged to have used government funds to buy votes in their constituencies, you can expect more  outraged denunciations from the man who sits at the right hand of party founder and president, Ricardo Martinelli.

If claims against the then ruling party are upheld, their ability to frustrate government  legislation will be severely curtailed                                      

Meanwhile Roux promises: to pursue all necessary resources, nationally and internationally, to protect the rights of the voters.” – Including the right to receive “gifts” during an election campaign?