Contract cancelled but gambling operation continues

ALTHOUGH CARTONS containing thousands of Buko Millionaire,tickets were returned on Friday following the government decision to cancel the contract, the Gaming Control Board (JCJ) authorized Global Investment Group, SA, to continue the game, because the resolution is not yet “firm”.

The decision to keep the television game alive yesterday came through a statement signed by the Executive Secretary of the JCJ, Eric I. Rios, in response to a request by representatives of the Group of World Investment, SA
The company also reported that it will continue publicly televised bingos held on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
World Investment Group, SA filed a motion for reconsideration before the Gaming Board and until the regulatory body not resolved, the company says it will continue with the draws.
“The company is confident that once administrative remedies are exhausted, will be demonstrated complete transparency and adherence to current legislation, and specifically to the management and operation contract signed with JCJ,” says the statement.
However, Antonio Alfaro, president of the Association of Managers of Gaming (Asaja), said that the company acted outside the law governing the sector.
He alleged that besides Millionaire Buko other games of chance that are operating, such as slot machines C, which have been installed in different parts of the country and outside the law.
Question have been raised over the ownership of the investment group, as the originally listed owners have only bearer shares, enabling them to hide the identities of those behind the venture.