Comptroller should be dumped ASAP Assembly president.

PANAMA’S Comptroller, Gioconda Torres de Bianchini,should be removed from office as soon as possible says National Assembly President Adolfo Valderrama.

On Sunday, August 24 he said that In his view, the Assembly should at least issue a vote of no confidence in her performance. “The Assembly needs to fulfill its supervisory role, and we would be ignoring the results of the May 4 election if we do not take action,” he said. He added that while the Supreme Court is the only entity that can remove the comptroller, the Assembly can issue a resolution that requests the removal.
 He said that the comptroller signed contracts that caused economic injury to the country.
Torres de Bianchini appeared before the Assembly for two days last week to answer questions about her conduct. Afterwards Panameñista Luis Barría presented a resolution calling for her dismissal.
Meanwhile, the woman who for 15 years prior to her appointment worked for former president Ricardo Marinelli, is back in her office on Avenida Balboa. Her term in expires in December.