Ethanol free gasoline ok from Aug. 22

HOURS AFTER a published report that consumers of auto fuels in Panama will have to continue to use gasoline with ethanol, the National Energy Secretariat authorized the sale of gasoline without ethanol across the country.

On Friday, August 22, La Prensa carried the news that the Energy Secretariat saw no viable proposal to allow optional use. The same day, The Gazette published a notice that from Friday the sale of ethanol free gasoline was permitted.
The reason behind the about face is scarcity of the product, since a judge ordered the continued suspension of the operations of the producing company, which has been linked to the poisoning of the La Villa River,
The measure, approved by the Director of Hydrocarbons David Elias Muñoz, does not specify how long the sale of gasoline without mixture will be allowed. Until now, the use of gasoline with bioethanol was mandatory by law, but the law says that in the case of ethanol shortage the Energy Secretariat may approve the use of unmixed gasoline.
Judges of the High Court of Appeals for the Fourth Judicial District decided on Friday to maintain the suspension of agricultural activities of Camp Peséo on 116 hectares and to stop using vinasse, regarded as one of the elements that polluted the La Villa basin
Friday’s hearing was held to verify environmental protection measures that was applied on July 31.
Enereida Barrias, Circuit Attorney for Herrera Province said the company can continue farming i 284 hectares manually, using products that do not pollute the environment.
Barrias said that the prosecution has not asked for the total closure of the company, but both decisions are maintained only until August 30.
The Judges’ decision of the led protesting Pesé employees to a local highway.
They chanted”Campo Pesé doesnot pollute, Varela wegave you the vote, and now vote for us,”
Carmen Pérez spokeswoman workers said employees are very sad as the livelihoods of thousands of workers are threatened.
Rafael Gonzàlez legal representative of the company said that by prohibiting the use of vinasse the process is cut, and has to stop.
“As for the decision of the Secretary of Energy, this is a ruling of a government body and it is not for us to comment on it. We understand it is a temporary measure and does not mean that because of that, the program of Ethanol in Panama is over”
“Campo Pesé continues dialogue with the government authorities to try to find an answer to Ethanol price to safeguarding jobs and investment, for the benefit of all Panamanians “said Rafael Gonzalez, president of Campo Pesé, who earlier said that the company could not operate with ethanol prices at the international level. The first year, a gallon of ethanol was frozen at $4.62.