Electoral code reforms not retroactive – Varela

REFORMS to the Electoral Code need to be discussed and approved in the Assembly and supported by the Electoral Tribunal (TE) before President Juan Carlos Varela he is willing to support them. Varela made the statement on Tuesday, August 12 saying he will respect the autonomy of the Assembly to protect the separation of the powers of theState.

He said he would not agree to pass a law with retroactive effects because “it is not beneficial for the country,” and he has conveyed that message to National Assembly President Adolfo Valderrama.
The caucus of the PRD has supported the discussion of the draft law, and Varela said: “If there is a consensus in the legislature and is backed by the Tribunal Electoral, I will support it.”
He said his role is not to intervene in the outcome of elections, which is the responsibility of the Electoral Court.
PRD Deputy Pedro Miguel González, president of the Commission of Government and proponent of the reform project, said that amendments are necessary and that the proposed retroactive effect, which was not contemplated in the original preliminary draft will be revised reports La Prensa
According to González, those who have expressed their opposition to the project, “are not against the reforms, but the process. That is why a consultation period has been given.”