Cabinet focuses on transportation system

WHILE Panama engineers and architects are questioning the value of a second metro subway line The Cabinet Council approved on, Tuesday August 12, the creation of a high-level commission to renegotiate the contract the state has with the company Mi Bus, company responsible for the operation of the faltering Metro bus system

Interior Minister Milton Henriquez said the ministerial committee’s mission is to “negotiate new terms and conditions for granting the contract Metro bus.”

The committee will consist of Henriquez Alvaro Herman Minister of the Presidency; Roberto Roy, secretary of the Metro Panama; Francisco Sierra, ministerial counselor; and Marieta Jaén, Deputy Minister of Public Works.

They will also have the mission to “prepare a proposal for a short-term legal and operational framework for consideration of the Cabinet Council to integrate the public transport system.”

The Cabinet also endorsed the creation of a technical commission to implement a series of measures to correct problems that government auditors have identified during the audit of the Metro bus system

There are 17 measures including increased frequency of buses increased demand where required, enabling lanes and pay administration areas.

The Cabinet also endorsed a bill called “vale transport” so that companies will pay for transportation for their employees.

Employers will have to purchase a card for employees earning less than $850 a month The card  will not exceed $60 a month.