Panamas Olympic gold star retires

IRVING SALADINO, PANAMA’S only Olympic gold medallist and former world long jump champion, has announced his retirement from athletics after failing to overcome injuries that plagued his performances since he took top spot on the Olympic podium in Beijing in 2008..

Saladino, 31, told La Prensa that the he has been mulling the decision to retire for two months ago. After discussions with his family he took the final step on Thursday, August 7.
“I’m happy because I left a legacy for the country and now I want to give help to other young people,” Saladino said. “ I think it’s time to rest and give the opportunity to others, with lessons that I can provide.”
He made history by winning the gold medal in the Tokyo the World Championships in2007 and then also gave Panama’s first Olympic gold medal in long jump to win the 2008 Games in Beijing.
Saladino said an operation on left knee was bothering him and he always had the fear that the injury might cause more serious damage.
“It was always a fear about getting, lame, or lose part of the knee. Those were my fears, so unfortunately I decided to stop.
“ ….I feel happy with what I have given to the country and now want to contribute and help Panamanian sport and share what led me to be a champion,” he said.
Saladino said he has to coach and to contribute to the national athletics program with motivational talks.