OFF THE CUFF: Ex security boss on flak receiving end

FORMER MINISTER of Public Security Jose Raul Mulino, while in office, liked to flaunt the fire power of security forces under his control, even to the point of infiltrating machine gun toting border guards into a high school parade, and defending riot police, and prison guards responsible for killings.
Now, out of office, he is finding the big guns of the new administration turned on him, over the scandal of nonfunctioning radar units that cost Panama $125 million. Whether all that money stayed with the Italian supplier is a contentious issue, now being played out in the Italian courts. Mulino, who had earlier taken he credit for the purchase, has been desperately trying to dodge ministerial responsibility, laying the blame on the boys who sign the checks at the Ministry of Finance. Alberto Viallarino the reigning Finance Minister at the time of the purchase bluntly said Mulino was lying.
Unabashed Mulino Tweeted that he wanted time at this week’s cabinet meeting to give an explanation for the purchase of 19 radars from the Italian company Selex, subsidiary of Finmeccanica which is deeply embroiled in court cases alleging big bribes paid to Panama’s former government leaders.
From the presidential palace Álvaro Alemán fired a broadside:
“I cannot allow the Cabinet to be used for a media show by a former Minister of State. Therefore, the application of Mulino will not even be considered” he said.
On Tuesday, August 5 the Cabinet will analyze the current state of the purchase and reexamine the contract which swelled to $250 million when helicopters were added to the order.
At one time Mulino resigned “irrevocably” from his post, but was persuaded by then president Ricardo Martinelli to stay. Had he declined the invitation, he might have avoided the grapeshot that’s still coming his way.